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艰难产出,还有太多缺陷和不足,感谢帮助我完成这套片子的大家摄影后期:@瑾年碎影 化妆造型:十一学习以及拍摄场地:@GZTstudio宫泽堂培训工作室 师傅:@疯子Charles 服装:@流烟昔泠-琉璃酱 @上遥居汉服 @绛悠堂汉服 你喜欢吗?约起来! #互动话题 “下期



Hello, every, I am Alkaid, a hantastic promoters. Today I will talk about the Hantastic Clothing. Firstly, I have to state that the word— “Hantastic” is a new word, it never showed up before we held one cultural communication activity in London. Usually, we call this Han-cutural. It is a kind of our traditional culture about the antient nation— Han nation, the majority nation of China. It come from one of our leader, I thought this word exactly can express what we want to present. Well, today I would like to share 3 misunderstanding about the Han Clothing I ever meet as well as most people do, as the clothes is the means to demonstrate the culture.



Misunderstanding 1: Hantastic Clothing is clothes during Han-dynasty, and it is old and has already out-of-fashion.

The Hantastic Clothing is traditional dress-up of Han nation. Just like the other 55 minority nation in China, it is just a kind of national dress. An important reason for people to misunderstand might because that Han is the longest nation to rule the ancient China. That does make sense. However, Hantastic clothing is inheriting the whole historic periods when Han nation ruled the China until Ming-dynasty. It including not only the Quju,Zhiju etc. from Han-dynasty but also Jiaoyu Skirt etc. from Wei and Jin period, as well as Yuanlingpao, Tanling etc. from Tang-dynasty, Mamianqun, Bijia etc. from Ming-dynasty and so on.



Misunderstanding 2: The person who wearing Han Clothing must be a mad.

I personally do not hold such a view. The first time I knew about Han clothing when I was a freshman in university, there is a few people known about it, but now, happily, the government began to pay more attention to our traditional culture and clothing. In the holidays or some traditional festivals, wearing traditional costumes is very meaningful for the implementation of Han clothing and culture. I do have some friends almost every day wearing traditional Han clothes, whether in work or school, whether it is sunny or rainy. Each of us who love Han clothing, perhaps initially just because of the flowing skirt attracted our attention, perhaps the love of friends around us infected us. But we are all making efforts to make more people aware of the traditional Han costumes. You might dislike it, but please don't judge others lightly. You could dislike, but please don't hurt.


汉服(汉衣冠,华服,华夏衣冠)是华夏民族传统服饰,相传由黄帝创制,一直延续四千余年至清初血腥强制的剃发易服。其基本特征是交领右衽系带,配有圆领,对襟等做补充。 什么才是汉服? 我想你应该和我一样,在没了解汉服之前,误认为古人穿的服装就是汉服!汉



Misunderstanding 3: Cheongsam is also Traditional Han clothing.

Cheongsam’s history is really short -- only around 200 years. Undoubltly, it perfectly shows a woman’s figure. Especially during the period of the Republic of China, Cheongsam is popular, which improved Manchu traditional clothes by Stereo trim and could embodied the Chinese style. Actually, Cheongsam is not Han clothing. If I have to put it into classification, I would like to say it is a classic costume under the Chinese Nation's modern and unique aesthetics. Some people refused Cheongsam might because of the embarrassing origins, while in my own opinion, although it has a special background, it is really beautiful. To be honest it is a successful improvement.



Pick up the Traditional Chinese Clothing

As a Chinese, I agree with all the traditional and national clothing in the history and today. But as a Han girl, I hope more and more people can pick up our own traditional Clothing. When people mentioned Han, they might think of our traditional clothing rather than the T-shirt and jeans from the Western.



I am Alkaid, looking forward to special friend here.


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大家好,我是你们的糖果啊!最近发现好多小仙女穿汉服出门~我自己也好喜欢,今天整理了7大色系的汉服给大家~希望有你们喜欢的 此图来自小红书,如有侵权请联系作者删除。